New Subscriber(s): Fr�d�ric Mardon Email Address is: fmardon@xxxxxxxxxxxx Member Location: Grenoble, France Car(s) owned: 1958 Imperial LY1-L sedan export model (black) Self-Introduction: Hello all, Since last saturday, I am the (very proud) owner of a 1958 export model, that was sold new in France, in 1957, the car getting its first registration the 24th of December 1957. Since the day I bought the "50 years of American cars 1939-1989" book, in its French version, I wanted an Exner's Mopar. But being only 20 years old at that time, I had to wait a little ... 8 years exactly ... but now, the dream has become reality. Imperialement v�tre, Fr�d�ric Mardon