Hi, Well, I am 28, own an Imperial since last April, and live in France. I always wanted to have an US 50's car, because they represent what we never had in Europe after WWII : incredible style, colors, engines etc ... As it has been said, today's cars are very similar, black and gray (welcome to the plastic era !). I just try to imagine the buyer in 1957 who bought the Imperial I own now, new, in south of France. Somehow, he knew that something else than a Cadillac was available for sale ... With an Imperial, you drive something different. Imperialement v�tre, Fr�d�ric Mardon 58 Imperial sedan > -------Message d'origine------- > De : Mark McDonald <tomswift@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> > Date : 20/07/102 13:07:48 > > I am always surprised when I hear about someone in their 20's owning an > Imperial. > > It seems to me that most of the collectors I've met tend to buy cars > that were popular in their youth, particularly in their teenage years. > For instance, it seems you find that most of the folks who own cars from > the 50's are in their 60's now, etc. > > The reason is pretty obvious-- they associate these cars with good times > they had, particularly when they were getting their first taste of > freedom. > > I'm curious what draws a younger person to an older car, and in > particular to an Imperial? > > Mark M > > > > ----------------- http://www.imperialclub.com ---------- ------- > This message was sent to you by the Imperial Mailing List. Please > reply to mailing-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx and your response will be > shared with everyone. Private messages (and attachments) for the > Administrators should be sent to webmaster@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx > To UN-SUBSCRIBE, go to http://imperialclub.com/unsubscribe.htm > > > _________________________________________________________ Envoyez des messages musicaux sur le portable de vos amis http://mobile.lycos.fr/mobile/local/sms_musicaux/