New Subscriber(s): Karsten Piefrement Email Address is: chrome.e.k@xxxxxxxxxxx Member Location: Lensahn, northern germany Car(s) owned: 1961 Imperial Custom 2door, coral sand with golden interior. No AC, No PW, no Cruise, no Autronic Self-Introduction: Hi, I am Karsten, born in 1962 in western Berlin Town, germany. After several classic cars, such as Buick 1941, 1954, 1963, 1984 and Cadillac 1966, 1993, 1994, Packard 1948, Thunderbird 1964 and others, I found my Imperial in a small add in a car magazine. It was located in switzerland. After some mailing I bought this car and sold all others. I now will start a restauration on this car, maybe some mild customizing. Think this will take the next two years. Actually I am not shure about some descisions which have to be made. Such as changing collors or not. Maybe someone can come up with some production informations. Wasn�t it unusual to order an Imperial Coupe in 61 with nearly no extras? Is someone willing to sell swivel seats? What about finding some chrome-molding pieces?