In many ways the IML no longer needs any new posts. Everything has been discussed, over and over. Just about any question that can be asked or answered is already in the archives. Some threads re-emerge with high frequency - Budd brakes come to mind. Other eras have moments in the spot light and fade back behind the "high traffic" years which, by force of numbers, will invariably predominate the mailing list. But, if we go all the way back to first principles, we will find that one of the main reasons this list, and the OIC, remains so alive and vital is the fellowship it brings. Before I found this list I could hardly find anyone at all even remotely interested in my car, except, of course, to say things like, "What a waste of a Hemi." I used to be a lot more active here than I am now, and also made some useful, I hope, contributions to the 1958 page. Now a different set of names dominate the list since only this time last year. In my opinion, this is fantastic. What it means is a newer group is exploring all there is to know about their Imperials and enjoying some much needed companionship as they negotiate the finer points of caring for them. Personally, I have no more interest in the Chrysler Imperial Rose than I do problems with Auto Temp II systems. I scan them and move on. No big deal. I am delighted, however, that folks who are interested have a forum for encountering what are probably new ideas for them, and possibilities that they could not find anywhere else. I have no time for those who use the phrase, "clogging up the list." These are the messages I delete as quickly as possible before I get too annoyed at some self appointed guardian who would impose his or her narrow focus upon the rest of us. Restricting Imperial related speech on this list is simply too costly for the majority of us who look forward to maybe encountering some aspect of our cars we either had never thought of or had simply forgotten. Hugh Hemphill
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