Thank you Greg and again Chris... i had looked on the internet and found auto carpets .com and they had the carpet they claim for the imperials the price was 203.00 dollars and they said it was the loop carpet .. if u look at that web site they have sample photos of the carpet......thanking u both,,,, On Wednesday, June 11, 2003, at 10:13 PM, Greg and Russell wrote: > Thanks Chris (Hoffman) for your continued interest in my earlier post > regarding > the correct top well color.� I asked the question because my interior > is Patrician Gold and the original top was (probably) black.� I say > probably because when I purchased the car it had a faded "putty" > colored top (pinpoint grain) on it which was obviously not put on at > the factory.� The liner in the car was black.� I was a little confused > as to whether the liner should be the interior color, the top underside > color, or black.� I look forward to the "final word" from someone on > the List who is able to find the information.� Lillyvine wrote and > asked about the correct carpet for a '65.� As I understand, the > "correct carpet" is no longer available.� I sent samples to a lot of > carpet suppliers who were not able to help me.� It is sort of a clipped > twist from what I was able to get in the way of a good sample from > under the seat.� I had to settle for a halfway decent substitute from > Walston Carpets in Lucerne Valley, Calif.� They were the most help of > all the carpet suppliers I contacted.� Good luck! > � > Greg McDonnell > Mobile, AL