help.. need ABS part for a 1990 Imperial
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help.. need ABS part for a 1990 Imperial

 Dios Te guarde. Luis
>From: "Matt Hopkins"
>Reply-To: mailing-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>Subject: RE: IML: help.. need ABS part for a 1990 Imperial
>Date: Mon, 24 Nov 2003 07:32:25 -0600
>Did you resolve your problem?
>-----Original Message-----
>From: mailing-list-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>[mailto:mailing-list-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of MAtt
>Sent: Tuesday, November 18, 2003 10:28 PM
>To: mailing-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>Subject: IML: help.. need ABS part for a 1990 Imperial
>Hi Gang,
>4 months ago, some drunk smacked into the left front
>fender of Mom's 90 Imperial on the one evening that
>she left it parked in front of the house instead of
>the garage where it has spent it's entire life.
>( only 78000 miles on it)The body shop had the car for
>almost 3 months, claimed they couldn't find the
>necessary trim pieces(they did eventually) and the
>Insurance Co fought us on totaling out the car (
>1500.00 bill from the body shop for the fender and hub
>cap as well as the trim) Anyway, as we left the body
>shop the brake warning lights were on
> ( both "brake" and "anti-lock brake") anyway off to
>another high teck advanced auto repair place that
>determins that the Hydrolic Control Unit was damaged
>in the accident as well...they claim they can't find
>it..Anyone have a sugestion where we can get it?
>Ideally a new one ? Mom's missing here little Impy..
>Thanks, MAtt
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Hi to all of you: Matt I have a 1990 to and haved the same problem.

I took it to the Crysler shop and find out that istill have garante for the Brake System. Check that first.

Another problem was that the hydraulic pump was whitout power. Poroblem whit the electric


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