1955 Imperial Newport
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1955 Imperial Newport

The rear schocks have always been available for the '55 Imperial. The front 
ones have not been available since the middle '70s. I bought the standard OEM 
type replacement for my '55 a couple of years ago and they work fine.


In an email dated Thu, 13 May 2004 2:49:12 pm GMT, roger crabtree 
<rcrabshish@xxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

>Hi list,
>Carquest has the rear shocks for the 55. �They don't
>have the front shocks. �I have not tried Bumper to
>Bumper or NAPA yet. �I am curious if they are strong
>enough for this heavy car? �I am still looking for
>u-joint numbers that will interchange with a parts
>houses �Does anyone know the numbers for the 55??? 
>Chrysler factory numbers do not interchange.
>RC Billings, Montanaaaaaaa
> --- WBinegar@xxxxxxx wrote: > Does anyone have part
>numbers for new front and rear
>> shocks? Looked on the 
>> club site their wasn't any information. 
>> �
>RC Billings, Montanaaaaaa 
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