1983 Chrysler Imperial: starting problems
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1983 Chrysler Imperial: starting problems

Hmmm. I admit that I advised that the car be sold if the owner doesn't love it. 
I didn't suggest that it be sold to a demo guy.

In fact, it seems that there are a few other folks on the IML who have chimed 
in on this that not only love these cars, but can also keep them running with 
out spending a fortune at a garage. It also seems that the current owner 
intends to keep it and fix it which I think is just fine.

As far as "basic cars" are concerned, it seems obvious to me that the word 
basic (in the original post that I was replying to) did not refer to a 
particular brand of automobile, but rather to the basic things that make a car 
run (or not). I have lots of Imperials, and although I do not think of them as 
"basic cars", I believe that some models are easier to troubleshoot than 
others. It is a statement of fact that the Imperials from the early '80s are 
not that type of automobile.


In an email dated 7/6/2004 3:14:27 pm GMT Daylight time, "Rob P" 
<fristpenny@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

>>From: RandalPark@xxxxxxx
>>Reply-To: mailing-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>To: mailing-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>Subject: Re: IML: 1983 Chrysler Imperial: starting problems
>>Date: Sat, 05 Jun 2004 16:59:59 -0400
>>Well, you may be right, and of course we are each entitled to our opinions. 
>>If "the basics" would be a good place to start, it would be better to start 
>>with a basic car. That word does not describe these particular automobiles.
>>Trouble shooting that car is going to cost a ton of money, and a firm 
>>commitment of love on the part of the owner. �If the love isn't there, I 
>>still say sell the car. The owner already knows if "love" is in the 
>>equation. The rest is easy.
>Why would anybody who wants a "basic" car own any Imperial? �If you want a 
>basic car, buy a Dart. I didn't see everybody saying to sell they late 60's 
>Imperials because they couldn't find Budd rotors.
>Everybody here whines every time any Imperial, in any condition is used in 
>demolition derby, but this car showed one minor problem and you are already 
>advising it be sold. �Are the 80's Imperials somehow less worthy than all 
>prior years? �I'm sure some of you think so, but that's not what this list 
>is about. �I have been happy about the recent trend to welcome and help the 
>owners of 90's Imperials.
>A quick check of the archives and collected EFI posts shows this as the 
>number one source of info on the 80s EFI system. �Dick B. and Bob and some 
>others have kept numerous EFI cars going. We should be able to help Joel 
>out. �I read all those posts, but when I bought my '83 I specifically looked 
>for a converted car because I wanted 300 + horsepower. �It wouldn't have 
>been feasible to keep the EFI and I didn't want to mess up an original car.
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