hubcaps astray/Valve Stems
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hubcaps astray/Valve Stems

The wheel covers shouldn't move that much, but one thing that helps is to have 
fresh valve stems. Old ones that are dry and brittle are more likely to break 
when stressed that way. The wheel cover should not be sharp where the valve 
stem goes through it. You should take a look at the offending wheel cover and 
see if the edges around the hole are turned in. It would also be advisable to 
try another wheel cover and do so until you find one that doesn't "slide" on 
the rim.


In a message dated 7/18/2004 1:09:52 PM Eastern Daylight Time, "Jeffrey M. 
Fastov" <jfastov@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

>what do people do when hubcaps slide and split the valve stems.this seems to
>be �an ongoing problem amd very inconvenient when i wake up to flats.any
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