What happens when you turn the ignition towards the left, the accesory side? If still all is dead, check under the dash and see if the power to the ingition switch is still connected to the switch. Its possible that that hot wire is somehow disconnected. Or may be the connection between the wire and connector is corroded (shake it and see what happens). If all checks, check and see if this hot wire is still hot (look in the FSM to see which of the wires on the back of the switch is the hot one, I assume you have a multi meter). If the wire is still hot, then its probably the switch. If not, you have to go back to the circuit and find the problem (I assume you have already checked the fuses). These electrical problems can be a nightmare. I had something similar in my 68 LeBaron recently. It was a loose nut on a firewall junction. All I had to do is tighten the ntu. D^2 Quoting Greg Graham <gregtx@xxxxxxxxxxx>: > > It's time to put the top down and the sunblock on! One problem.... the car > won't start.� The '67 Imperial was not driven at all between Christmas and > March. It was driven twice earlier this month, both times without incident > and starting the car was uneventful. I attempted to start the car today (79 > degrees, light clouds, blue sky), but it would have none of it.� The windows, > horn, seats, etc all work as they should... but they are wired to do so > without the key in the ignition.� The battery is charged.� The starter is > new. Plugs and wires are good. None of the�items on the car�that should work > with the key on do so.� No wipers,�instruments, no warning indicator lights > on the dash light up at all, and more importantly, no starter engaging.� > Nothing happens if I move the key to any of the "on" positions.� It appears > that anything wired through the keyed ignition is not getting power.� Not a > whimper out of the starter if I fully turn the key (and connection is soli > d).� I suspect the ignition�in the dash itself, but perhaps it's something > else along the way.� Any suggestions as to where to look and what�else to > suspect.� Any solutions?�� All slathered in sunblock and no place to go. > � > Recommendations as to where to buy a new ignition switch? Napa? An Imperial > only part? Get rid of annoying pop-up ads with the new MSN Toolbar � FREE! > >